dimanche 16 février 2014

Where are you headed?

I haven’t posted in a while. This was done on purpose. I took some time to sit back and ponder on what my purpose is on this journey. I looked through old posts and thought about what I want to achieve. Pinned Image

(source: pinterest )

I’ve decided it will be to my benefit to get back to setting monthly goals to meet my overall goals.

Even though we are well into February I’m still going to set February goals. So without further ado checkout what I’ve aimed for this month!

  1. workout 4 days/week

  2. attend every WW meeting (no excuses)

  3. track daily

  4. limit TV time to 1 hr/day

  5. weigh 174 by 2.29.12 {lose 4lbs}

Tracking is something I struggle with all the time. I’m good for breakfast & lunch (during the work week) and then that’s where it ends. And don’t even talk about the weekends. Zilch for tracking.

Does 1 hour/day for TV seem like a lot? We always watch the news, but besides that I feel like I waste a lot of time sitting on the couch. I want to fill the time with more productive things. ie working out, organizing, house projects, etc

I think my other 2 goals are fairly self explanatory! So those are some pretty big goals, but I have the confidence that I can achieve them!


What goals do you have for this week/month/year?

Jhonson Diet [Top 10] => http://ift.tt/1iuhOeN

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