dimanche 16 février 2014

Checking In

Happy Monday everyone! I have to say I'm *slightly* jealous of those of you who have the day off for President's Day! I wasn't ready to wake up this morning...Adelyn wasn't either, so we all piled in Mommy & Daddy's bed & snuggled! Ok...back to the point of my post...

One of my monthly goals was to go to my Weight Watchers weigh in, no matter what. Well I couldn't go on my normal Thursday meeting because of being short staffed in my office. But I stayed true to my goal and weighed in on Thursday.

Oh you wanted to know the results of the weigh in? Well thank you for asking...down 1.2lbs!!! I was pretty happy to see that! Only 1.8lbs and I'll meet my Feburary weight goal of 174lbs by 2.29.12. Totally doable!

And I will leave you with some sweetness...but don't worry this sweetness doesn't have any calories and won't be added to your hips! Love her!! (this is her favorite toy these days, she could sit in front of the fridge & play for hours)

Jhonson Diet [Top 10] => http://ift.tt/1iuhOeN

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