mardi 18 février 2014

Kimchi way to lose weight - four kimchi diet recipes


Weight loss methods, weight loss, weight loss kimchi, kimchi diet recipes, weight loss recipes

What to eat to lose weight able to combine food and health, so rely on a weight loss diet lose weight were able to stick in the end? Pickles, is to make you slim down a good helper. Here, Xiao Bian recommended Jani vitality fiber diet pickles, for you to create fast thin kimchi diet recipes, just stick nine days, you can witness the miracle you slim down.

First, the principle of weight loss kimchi

Some people have been very much opposed to eat kimchi, that "eat kimchi are carcinogenic." They think that kimchi contains carcinogens nitrite. Jani vitality fiber Xiaobian pointed out, in fact, this statement is unscientific, not only does not eat kimchi quality cancer, the human body is still very good, and, kimchi is one of the food of choice for healthy weight loss.

In fact, because of the acidity of kimchi cabbage lactic acid decomposition of sugars to produce lactic acid, lactic acid, not only did not carcinogenic, but also promote digestion and so on. In addition, many kimchi making processes use a lot of pepper and garlic, salt it needs not much, it is a low cholesterol, low energy content of healthy food.

Second, the secret of making kimchi

It is said that there are two secrets of making kimchi in South Korea: First fontanelle fine shrimp sauce, one kimchi Ingredients: chili powder, this seemingly ordinary, but they are difficult to find elsewhere alternative raw materials. Such as South Korea, red pepper is very special, not too spicy, thick aroma, and even a little sweet, even with much more pepper, spicy people still will not have the feeling of choking.

Pickles diet | pickles diet recipes allow you to see the miracle of 9 days

Third, kimchi slimming tips

1 low-calorie and efficient antibacterial action

Kimchi is very low in calories, but rich in microorganisms and minerals. Kimchi lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation process due to the effect of inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria, but also promote gastrointestinal proteolytic enzymes - pepsin hormone secretion, normalization of intestinal microbial distribution, helping to maintain healthy intestinal environment. Intestinal health, constipation caused by obesity naturally solved.

(2) activation of bodily functions

The main material pickles, peppers can promote the secretion of gastric juice, thus helping digestion; Also rich in vitamin also has the role of acid-fast, and can help metabolism, increase appetite and promote blood circulation. Jani-fiber diet food with vigor and kimchi pepper, garlic and ginger, etc. can promote the body metabolism, help the body perspiration.

3. Maintain good health

As the main material of the cabbage kimchi low in calories, fat-burning effect garlic has, in addition to a lot more dietary fiber, can prevent constipation and colitis, prevent fat accumulation and effective fat burning has been formed, the body is more light.

4 Best Slimming timing and method of eating

The market there is spicy kimchi (Korean) and not spicy (partial Japanese style) two kinds. To thin, of course, the more effective the more spicy, but if you're stomach is not good, do not recommend choosing spicy kimchi, though not spicy slimming effect rival, but because of low heat, used in place of other foods is a good weight-loss options .

Pickles diet | pickles diet recipes allow you to see the miracle of 9 days

Four, pickles diet recipes

Four kimchi diet recipes allow you to see the miracle of 9 days

One, bean sprouts kimchi soup 87 kcal

Ingredients: cabbage kimchi 50g, bean sprouts 70g, broth bouillon cube 1/2 (2g), water 300cc, onions 3g, soy sauce, sesame oil, white sesame small teaspoon 1/2.

Method: Pour water into the pot, add broth soup boil after the block. Bean sprouts and drain after washing. Shredded pickles, onions sliced ​​green onion. The bean sprouts into the soup boil. Add kimchi soup boil, then add soy sauce and sesame oil. Dish and sprinkle with white sesame seeds and chopped green onion.

Second, kimchi tofu 104 kcal

Material: Material cabbage kimchi 50g, soft tofu 1/2 (150g), roasted seaweed amount.

Practices: the water drained tofu, cut into three equal parts dish. Chopped pickles. Placed on the kimchi tofu, and then decorate seaweed. Taste is not enough, you can eat pickle juice instead of sauce.

Third, kimchi cabbage salad 45 kcal

Ingredients: cabbage kimchi 50g, cabbage two (100g), ginger 5g, basil leaves a soy sauce 1 small teaspoon.

Practice: first cabbage hot soft, picked up the drain basket placed on, let it cool and cut into small pieces. Ginger and shredded basil leaves, chopped pickles. The cabbage, ginger, basil, soy sauce into a large bowl and mix well until the flavors penetrate edible.

Fourth, kimchi tofu miso soup 207 kcal

Ingredients: cabbage kimchi 50g, broth bouillon cube 1/2 (2g), water 300cc, a teaspoon of miso, pork pieces (leg) 30g, soft tofu 100g, mushrooms one, Jade Tan mushrooms 30g, 5g ginger onion a , a teaspoon of sesame oil.

Practice: sliced ​​mushrooms, tofu cut into three centimeters square blocks, shredded ginger, mushrooms Jade Tan peel by hand. Cut into bite-size pickles, onions are cut green onion. Wok pour sesame oil, ginger and fry pork pieces. Cooked meat into the water, add broth blocks. Add tofu, mushrooms, mushroom Yu Tan, boil, add miso. Add chopped green onion kimchi fish boil.

Kimchi diet recipes, not only lose weight but also tastes good health is essential to lose weight diet.

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