dimanche 16 février 2014

I’m Branching Out

I have never really liked fish, I may have eaten fish sticks when I was little {I don’t think they count}, but I’m just not a fish person…no matter how you cook it. My Dad has been telling me over and over about this fish that he eats 2-3 times/week and how good it is. He said it didn’t have that “fishy” taste and I needed to give it a try.

So finally I did! The fish I tried is called swai. I picked them up in my grocers freezer section next to the meat counter. They are even initially packaged within a re-sealable package! {I’m easily impressed}IMG_2042

Not only were they nicely packaged, but check out these nutrition facts! They are packed with protein, no carbs, hardly any fat, and only 2 points plus per 4oz fillet!


I squeezed a little bit of lemon juice on, a dash of pepper, and wrapped it in some tin foil and on the grill it went. IMG_2047

Verdict : I LOVED it! Dad was right! {thanks dad} Didn’t have a fish flavor at all, so delicious, and I didn’t even need tartar sauce!

Did you notice that other green stuff on my plate? I also had another new try that same night, kale chips! I’ve seen these all over blogs, facebook, pinterest, etc for a long time and I finally tried them.

Verdict : The first taste is salty and crunchy like a chip{I was excited at first}, but they left a horrible after taste in my mouth {almost bitter}. Has this happened to anyone else? All I did to cook it was a bit of olive oil and salt and then baked it. Help!

I would love to hear from you guys! What is a food that you’ve branched out & tried lately?

Tomorrow is WI day, wish me luck! {I worked out twice today…go me!}

Jhonson Diet [Top 10] => http://ift.tt/1iuhOeN

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