mardi 25 février 2014

Down to Business

Hello blog friends!

I figured it is finally time to give ya’ll {I’m not southern, but I just like to say ya’ll} an update and a few facts as to what I’ve been up to!

  • I’ve been back to my week Weight Watcher meetings since April 26th

  • In two weeks I’ve lost 2lbs.

  • Over the past 2 weeks I have tracked EVERYTHING

  • I have not exercised…

  • Until 2 days ago, I joined a lunch hour class at work and got my butt kicked {in a good way}

  • I took my measurements the 1st of the this month. The number on the scale is just that…a number.

  • Hoping for another good loss this Thursday at WW!

Adelyn’s 1st birthday isn’t too far away and I want to be as close to my pre baby weight as I can. I’m 12.8 lbs from my pre baby weight and it’s a little less than 6 weeks from today. I AM COMMITTED!!! I WILL DO THIS!

I started to get down on myself that I’ve taken a whole year to lose my baby weight, but that does no good for me. This is my journey, everything has led up to this point, I can’t change the past, the future is mine! Look out blog friends this Mama is getting down to business!

And just so I don’t have a picture-less post here are a pair of goal pants. They are size 10 and I wore them in May 2009 to my cousin’s baby shower and they weren’t the least bit tight. Notice I have quite a few inches to go…but I’ll be in these in no time!IMG_2005 (and yes I know you can see my B&W underwear)

Jhonson Diet [Top 10] =>

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