mardi 25 février 2014

A Plan

I’m sure you’ve all seen this quote. It’s an oldie…but SO true! I wanted to fill you in on how I plan to meet my goals this month!

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To recap here is a list of my goals for February.

  1. workout 4 days/week

  2. attend every WW meeting (no excuses)

  3. track daily

  4. limit TV time to 1 hr/day

  5. weigh 174 by 2.29.12 {lose 4lbs}

And here’s how I plan to meet those goals:

I plan to workout on my lunch hour 2 days per week and then the other 2 days get in a workout after Adelyn is in bed in the evening. To workout on my lunch will require that I pack my workout bag and my lunch the night before.

Attending my weekly Weight Watcher meeting is pretty self explanatory…but it’s easy to let meetings & other things fill in that time slot. Attending those weekly meetings is so important!

Tracking is an area I struggle with…but I want to get better! My plan to keep my tracker out on the counter when I’m at home and on my desk when I’m at work. This will ensure it will always be on my mind when I go to eat something.

Limiting TV time will be hard, I will admit. I like to sit on the couch and vegg. And yes I do believe we all need some time to do that. But…I can let it fill up too much of my time. I plan to make a list for the week of things I want to accomplish around the house and this will help me limit my TV time, but seeing those things that I need/want to get done.

And finally to meet that weight loss goal for the month will be easy…if I can just stay on track with my first 4 goals!

What strategies to put into place to ensure that you will meet your goals?

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