lundi 25 novembre 2013

Perfectly happy weight loss diet - three kilograms of lean at least a month


Weight loss diet , weight loss , weight loss diet happiness

The so-called perfectly happy way to lose weight is to dinner protein family .

The so-called perfectly happy way to lose weight , and replaced with site saying that brunch eat normally ( but do not eat lunch starch ) , using the site presentation dinner " dinner protein family ."

It interval diet are protein diet, but it does not eat lunch starch , seemingly strict diet than the interval , but allow you to forty grams a day can eat chocolate , and so was moved to the amount of starch lunch time snack thus, the two dietary content , the difference is not large .

Perfectly happy diet recipes can be reduced at least 3 kg per month

Maintaining lightweight body and enjoy a healthy life , has been a lot of people to pursue their goals in life , weight loss has become a lifelong vocation , the recent introduction of new UK diet , emphasizing high fiber high protein diet, you can get rid of the average twelve weeks 9.07 kg of fat, and health status can be improved so that people in droves.

This technology sponsored by the Australian Government and Industrial Research Organisation developed by CSIRO , perfectly happy diet TWD (Total Well-being Diet), the most important breakthroughs that researchers found that daily intake of the right amount of chicken , fish and other proteins that can suppress hunger and promotes fat loss , with the consumption of fiber -rich fruits and vegetables , plus a fixed cardiopulmonary exercise , will soon be able to say goodbye to body fat .

】 【 Perfectly happy diet

A high protein diet

Every day should eat three ( per one hundred grams ) of protein, in addition to skinless chicken, fish , you can also choose eggs, legumes , tofu and low-fat dairy products.

2 dinner protein

Recommend eating dinner twice a week, Two Fish, once a week for dinner and eat a skinless chicken fat , eat four times a week Two red meat ( including beef, veal and lamb ) .

3 normally eat breakfast

Breakfast recommends consumption of whole wheat bread, corn or high-fiber cereal , oats, coupled with low-fat milk or low-fat yogurt .

(4) high slender diet

The most important day is sure to eat two five copies of vegetables, covered the asparagus, green cauliflower , pumpkin , mushrooms and so on. Orange, yellow, all kinds of vegetable matter , the better. Only to note that, unless achieve initial weight loss goals , weight stabilization , it is best not to eat sweet potatoes .

TWD is quite special diet , weight loss during the week, you can still only drink two cups of red wine, usually like to drink coffee, cocoa or drink , you can still continue free drink , if you can eat the equivalent of four greedy about ten grams of chocolate , if you like to eat chili sauce , mustard sauce , garlic, ginger or other spices can also be though

On foods .

Weight loss diet , weight loss , weight loss diet happiness

Akin diet improved version

Two researchers Clifton (Peter Clifton) and Dr. Manny Noakes said Dr. should want to eat those things you can eat , rather than to think about those things that can not eat , this way, think about the positive aspects of change , adjustment diet to achieve weight loss goals will be much easier .

Very popular with Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston , actress Rita Jones keen Aitken Atkins diet , advocates eating carbohydrates completely , replaced by unlimited protein and fat , TWD diet two doctoral researcher that the use of Aitken might eat too much fat , easily lead to high cholesterol , lead to cardiovascular disease.

TWD past eight years to experiment and found that high fiber high protein diet is basically no adverse side effects , best of all weight loss process does not require hungry, because the five food groups are covered , including , nutritionally balanced , you can keep good physical strength, and can maintain healthy blood sugar levels , are less likely to suffer from heart vascular disease .

According to the experiment , using the TWD diet of people, and the average weight loss after twelve weeks twenty pounds ( about 9.07 kilograms ) , due process is not painful method is simple , after the publication of books in Australia, set off panic buying four brush two hundred thousand are still in short supply, defeated " the Da Vinci Code " and " Harry Potter and " other popular books , and many a stout British people , can not wait to import books , has started practicing , I look forward to regain the devil body.

Doctors see how

Taipei Medical University Hospital dietitian Chuang Shi Wang Min said , look at this diet to food , is indeed enough balanced nutrition , taste should also be better able to meet the general public , people will not find it too painful to lose weight .

At present the hospital weight loss programs recipes , most have taken humanity to lose weight , diet meals and perfectly happy stray too far away. But perfectly happy diet meals claimed 12 weeks minus 9 kg , and the effectiveness of hospital weight loss programs is similar, but more importantly , it can reduce the number of waist circumference, and body fat ?

Only these two figures also fell , weight loss really healthy ; addition, the recipes are designed for Westerners , Asians

It may not be appropriate.

Teachers to see how to lose weight

Total Well-being Diet, can be translated into "complete feel good diet " is to allow you to lose weight without starving . The doctor said this diet may not be suitable for Asians , it should mean that it does not eat lunch starch, and we Asians lunch based diet with grains of different bars.

Indeed, my health Lunch Act also advocates lunch to eat at least half-bowl too , but if you want to adopt this TWD diet for up to three touches can. I have not seen TWD menu , but according to the article, it probably can spell the prototype :

In fact, this diet with the recommended diet is very close to the site , that is normal to eat brunch , dinner protein family .

【 Methods】 perfectly happy eating to lose weight

Breakfast: 400 cards

Whole wheat bread + low-fat milk

DS: 80 cards

Apple ( or other fruit )

Lunch: 300 cards

Two colored vegetables + fish (60g) + a meat (30g) + an egg (50g) + a tofu (150g)

Snack : 280 cards

1 cup of coffee

40g dark chocolate

Dinner: 150 calories

Four days : 2 servings of beef or lamb

Two days : 2 servings of fish

Day: Chicken 1

( Meat with vegetables to eat )

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