mardi 26 novembre 2013

Discover The Health Benefits Of Pure Colloidal Silver

Pure Colloidal Silver

More people are discovering the health benefits of using alternative medication in place of over the counter drugs. Natural medicine works with the body instead of against it and minimizes side effects normally experienced with mainstream products. Pure colloidal silver is a good example of how a classic supplement can be just as effective as chemical based medication.

Recognized as a powerful disinfectant, colloidal silver possesses a wide range of beneficial characteristics. For example, the World Health Organization considers this liquid to be safe and effective as a water purifier. It is used in many low income areas to destroy bacteria and other disease causing pathogens commonly found in drinking water.

People frequently ingest this product to help boost the immune system. It is a safe additive to consume during cold winter months, especially when flu season is full swing. Simply adding it to juice or tea can help ward off oncoming symptoms. The liquid combats bacteria, and allows the body to heal itself.

It can be applied topically to treat skin conditions, cuts, minor burns, sores, and acne. Studies have proven the solution acts as an anti-fungal and can be used as a topical antiseptic. This product does not have the sting of iodine, making it a gentle alternative for those with sensitive skin.

Due to its ability to destroy fungus and bacteria, the supplement can be used for a wide variety of common skin infections such as ringworm and yeast infections. Directly applying this to the skin works just as effectively as anti-fungal creams. This substance naturally eliminates topical issues without the chemicals or additives found in every day over the counter medication.

Since it comes in liquid form, colloidal silver is easy to use on an everyday basis. It can be consumed orally, applied directly to the skin, or inhaled in a facial steam bath. The dosage varies by weight and should be labeled on the bottle. This product can be purchased in health food stores or online at a very reasonable price.

Even alternative medication may have side effects. Luckily, silver is safe to consume. Most issues only arise if this product is taken in excessive amounts over a long period of time. In those rare instances, kidney damage and neurological problems are possible. It can lead to a condition called argyria which turns skin blue. If used for short periods of time and at the recommended dose, this supplement is safe and effective.

Over the counter medication often covers the symptom, but does not cure it. Additionally, common side effects such as grogginess or dizziness are just as irritating as the problem itself. For this reason many people are turning to products free of chemicals. Natural medicine lets the body heal. For this reason natural supplements are growing in popularity.

Pure colloidal silver is a natural alternative to over the counter medication to help ease everyday health problems such as the cold or flu. It can counter yeast infections, helps eliminate fungus, and acts as a general tonic. With so many benefits it comes as no surprise that this supplement has become a staple in many homes.

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